Get Involved

Public input and community engagement are critical to the success of the Bailey Ave BRT project. Upcoming events and the public engagement event schedule can be found below. Please consider joining the email list to receive project updates and to learn about upcoming public events.
Be a Bailey Ave Ambassador!

A photo of a community engagement meeting.

A photo of a community engagement meeting. Photo credit: NFTA

Upcoming Events

Check back regularly for events, meetings, and information sessions.

Community Connectors Farmer’s Market, Sunday, September 22nd, 12 to 3 PM, 894 Kensington Avenue
Clinton Bailey Farmer's and Flea Market, Saturday, September 28th, 8 to 11 AM, 1443 to 1517 Clinton Street
Community Connector’s Quarterly Clean Up, October 12th, come back soon for more information
Fall Fest at the Central Terminal, October 12th, come back soon for more information 
WNY Refugee Film Festival, October 24th, come back soon for more information

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Public Engagement Event Schedule
